Monday, September 22, 2008

Ayn Rand

Man's Rights and Collective Rights are different from one another because Man's Rights is based on how we as a people are supposed to be able to do. How we have all of these documents laying down our freedoms and rights to do or own. To me Man's Rights is everything that's documented we can do but, the government says we can't or lies about it.

Collective Rights is how other governments funciton. We are supposed to be the "free" nation but everyone can't get welfare because they make too much to qualify, while others who can get it are abusing it and don't really need it. This particular essay to me, points out how crooked the government actually is!!

This is basically what these two essays brought to me. It may not be it, but that's what I think it means. Which I agree with everything that was written.

lil bit

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